Monday 10 January 2011

It's panto time!!

Our book-keeper, Colin, went to the panto in Southport at the weekend, and he tells the story about getting an ice-cream during the interval. He wanted a vanilla tub, and he could see three boxes, one with strawberry tubs, one with chocolate tubs, and the third empty. He said to the lady selling the ice-cream "Oh, you don't have any vanilla left.". To which she replied, "Oh yes I have". Guess what Colin said in reply. "Oh no you haven't!" Laughter all round!!

Thursday 6 January 2011

Busy, busy, busy

We are busy at the mo for two reasons. Customers are bringing in jewellery they were given for Christmas to be re-sized. We are also getting a few customers who want something special for Valentine's Day. They are asking us to design something special for their loved ones, for example a name pendant or a specially designed bracelet or ring. Of course, they are coming in early as it takes a little time to design a one-off piece of jewellery, although some designs are easier to make than others. And of course, if it is gold or silver, you have to leave enough time for us to send it away to be hallmarked.

Has anyone out there received any strange or unusual Valentine jewellery?

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Rings that don't fit.

If you received a Christmas or birthday present of a ring that doesn't quite fit, just bring it along to Stephen Jones the Jeweller. It will be re-sized on the premises by either Stephen himself, Chris, or Mark, all of them skilled jewellers with years of experience. Have it re-sized generally while you wait.

Now for the bonus!! We have not put up our prices following the rise in VAT to 20%. This means that all purchases and repairs are even better value than before!

Sunday 2 January 2011

The workshop

We have our own workshop located within the shop. When you go in the shop, just look up to your right, and you will see us working away! We can repair your jewellery, usually while you wait. We can also design your own jewellery, and even use your own gold to make your very own individual piece.

More on this tomorrow!

Stephen Jones the Jeweller.

Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year

Stephen Jones the Jeweller would like to wish every one of his followers and customers a very happy and prosperous New Year!!

Thursday 30 December 2010

Sale on now!

Welcome to the world of Stephen Jones the Jeweller, based in North John Street, just by Liverpool One. We have a sale on now, where everything is reduced by 20% - and I mean everything!! Just come along and see the value jewellery we have for you.

Over the coming weeks, we will tell you other things about our family business - including some things you may not have known about diamonds, jewellery, and suchlike!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Planning a New Year engagement?

Let us help you find the perfect ring. Choose from our range of exquisite designs and find the one that's just right for you - without breaking the bank!